SCG Bill Archiving Utility
In order to solve the problem of continually accumulating bill documents, Swerdlove Consulting Group LLC has developed an application that integrates with the CMS.Net "billing desktop." This customized native CMS billing form does the following:
Note the new filter fields pictured below that are available to allow you to list bills in various state of payment either by outstanding AR or AR status (Outstanding, Settled, Cancelled, etc.)
The archived bills have the following properties:
If the firm has migrated from WordPerfect to Word, you can set the break-off point by bill number to store the archived bills with the .WPD extension for WordPerfect bills and .RTF extension for Word bills. This allows the user to launch the appropriate word processor by just double-clicking the file.
The root of the archive directory is designated in the DocuDraft Paths application under "Path to Data Files."
Under the archive root, new period folders will be automatically created when bills are archived. For example:
In addition to the "Archive" button on the toolbar, OSD Bill Archiving provides a "Retrieve" button to allow users to view and reprint bills from within the utility after they have been archived. Note the new column on the listbox: "Archived," as well as "A/R Balance" and "A/R Status" in the first illustration
If a user attempts to view or print an archived bill without first retrieving it, they will immediately receive the following error message:
If this message results, simply choose "Retrieve" and view or print the bill again. Behind the scenes, the file will be copied from the archive folder into the default DocuDraft billing folder (renaming it back to the [prebill number].bil naming convention); and when the user exits the application, the copy of the archived file will be deleted leaving only a single copy in the archive directory.
1. Run DBGen in Ad Hoc mode